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O fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, Thomas Peterffy, participa do "Squawk Box" para discutir os últimos resultados da empresa, o estado dos investidores de varejo e muito mais.
O fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, Thomas Peterffy, participa da série de vídeos At Barron's para discutir a história e os negócios da Interactive Brokers hoje, o impacto da tecnologia nos investimentos, o estado dos mercados atuais e as taxas competitivas de juros e de margens da Interactive Brokers.
A reportagem inclui uma entrevista com David Friedland, diretor executivo da Interactive Brokers na Ásia-Pacífico, discutindo os principais avanços da Interactive Brokers na Ásia, bem como as tendências que afetam o setor de gestão de patrimônio na região.
Agosto|Seeking Alpha
A matéria aborda o lançamento da negociação de ações fracionárias para ações e ETFs do Canadá elegíveis.
O fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, Thomas Peterffy, fala à MarketWatch sobre suas perspectivas para o mercado, a ascensão da negociação de opções, sua história pessoal e a expansão da negociação overnight na IBKR.
Reportagem sobre a expansão do horário de negociação overnight da IBKR, permitindo que clientes negociem mais de 10.000 ações e ETFs dos EUA.
A Interactive Brokers obteve 5 estrelas de um total de 5 e foi classificada em 1º lugar pelo 6º ano consecutivo pela Barron's.
Reportagem a respeito das enquetes da Barron's sobre as melhores corretoras on-line de 2023, destacando a capacidade de negociação global da IBKR e também os aplicativos IBKR GlobalTrader, IBKR GlobalAnalyst e IBKR Desktop.
Abril|Financial Times
Reportagem sobre investidores de varejo comprando quantidades recordes de letras do tesouro americano enquanto o volume de depósitos bancários cai ao nível mais baixo em quase dois anos, incluindo comentários de Steve Sanders, vice-presidente executivo de marketing e desenvolvimento de produtos na Interactive Brokers.
O fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, Thomas Peterffy, fala à CNBC sobre a saúde da comunidade de investidores de varejo, rendimentos da IBKR e investimentos em criptomoedas.
A negociação de criptomoedas está disponível apenas para clientes da Interactive Brokers LLC e Interactive Brokers Hong Kong.
A negociação de ativos digitais, incluindo criptomoedas, apresenta riscos e é recomendável somente para pessoas com alta tolerância a riscos e capacidade financeira para sustentar perdas. A negociação e custódia de ativos digitais para clientes da IB LLC é efetuada pela Paxos Trust Company ("Paxos") em uma conta mantida em nome do cliente na Paxos. Ativos digitais mantidos na Paxos não são protegidos pela SIPC. Sujeito a restrições de elegibilidade. A negociação de criptomoedas pelas Interactive Brokers Hong Kong é desenvolvida pela OSL Digital Securities. Para mais informações, acesse ibkr.com/crypto.
Reportagem sobre custodiantes que oferecem opções predefinidas com pagamentos mais elevados, destacando que os clientes da Interactive Brokers podem ganhar até USD 4,33% sobre saldos disponíveis.
Os saldos disponíveis liquidados a longo prazo mantidos no segmento de valores mobiliários de contas com valor patrimonial líquido (VPL) > 100k recebem a taxa de juros declarada (em 27 de março de 2023) e contas com VPL < 100k recebem uma taxa proporcional. Saldos disponíveis mantidos no segmento de commodities de uma conta não recebem juros. Para mais informações, visite a página ibkr.com/interestpaid.
Abril|Wall Street Journal
O artigo destaca o esforço das corretoras em oferecer aos clientes maiores retornos sobre saldos disponíveis, destacando que os clientes da Interactive Brokers podem receber até USD 4,33% sobre os saldos disponíveis.
Reportagem sobre uma nova ferramenta de indexação personalizada para assessores de investimento registrados, incluindo comentários de Steve Sanders, vice-presidente executivo de marketing e desenvolvimento de produtos da Interactive Brokers.
O fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, Thomas Peterffy, fala à CNBC sobre o modelo de negócios da Interactive Brokers após o colapso do Silicon Valley Bank.
A matéria aborda o mercado de opções e explica por que investidores devem prestar atenção nos spreads, incluindo comentários de Thomas Peterffy, fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, sobre o tema.
O fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, Thomas Peterffy, fala à CNBC sobre o aumento das taxas de juros e seu impacto na Interactive Brokers. Ele também fala dos juros que a empresa paga sobre saldos disponíves e sobre como os clientes estão posicionados no cenário atual.
A matéria aborda a consolidação no setor de assessoria financeira e ressalta a oportunidade para que a Interactive Brokers promova sua tecnologia avançada, custos mais baixos e disponibilidade de produtos no mundo todo para assessores financeiros, bem como o recente crescimento do número de assessores de investimento registrados na plataforma da empresa.
Fevereiro|Financial Times
A reportagem aborda o recente aumento na atividade de negociação no varejo e cita Thomas Peterffy, fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, comentando essa tendência, além de destacar o crescimento do número de contas de clientes na empresa e o enfoque contínuo em traders experientes.
O fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, Thomas Peterffy, fala à CNBC sobre o posicionamento dos clientes da Interactive Brokers no cenário atual e sobre os juros que os clientes podem receber sobre saldos disponíveis.
A reportagem aborda o enfoque recente do mercado em produtos de disponibilidade imediata, e inclui comentários de Steve Sanders, vice-presidente executivo de marketing e desenvolvimento de produtos da Interactive Brokers, destacando a taxa de juros de 4,08% que a empresa paga sobre saldos disponíveis.
Fevereiro|Wall Street Journal
A matéria aborda o recente aumento na quantidade de ativos em fundos do mercado monetário e inclui comentários de Thomas Peterffy, fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers. Ele destaca que os clientes da Interactive Brokers podem se beneficiar de taxas de juros de até 4,08% sobre os saldos disponíveis.
Fevereiro|Traders Magazine
A matéria aborda o lançamento do novo destino de ordens IBUSOPT, projetado para oferecer aos clientes a oportunidade de interagir com o fluxo de ordens do IBKR SmartRoutedTM, de modo que suas ordens possam ser executadas pelo melhor preço de venda disponível (National Best Bid/Offer - NBBO).
O fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, Thomas Peterffy, fala à CNBC sobre os lucros da empresa no quarto trimestre, os juros que os clientes da IBKR podem receber sobre saldos disponíveis, o posicionamento dos investidores no cenário atual e o possível impacto das propostas de estrutura de mercado da SEC.
Janeiro|Wall Street Journal
A matéria aborda a recente demanda dos investidores por bonds e destaca o crescimento da plataforma de negociação de bonds da Interactive Brokers.
O fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, Thomas Peterffy, participa do programa "WealthTalk" da WealthBriefing para conversar sobre a história da Interactive Brokers e sobre a participação da empresa no setor de gestão de patrimônio, destacando as maneiras como a plataforma automatizada da empresa e as ofertas de baixo custo beneficiam os gestores de patrimônio e seus clientes finais.
Declaração informativa
Os links divulgados na página "Notícias da IBKR" são publicados por terceiros, e não pela Interactive Brokers. Essas fontes de terceiros são independentes e a Interactive Brokers não faz quaisquer declarações ou garantias relativas à veracidade das informações fornecidas por esses terceiros. Ao vincular sites de terceiros, a Interactive Brokers não está fazendo recomendações de assinaturas de nenhuma fonte de notícias específica.
O fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, Thomas Peterffy, fala à CNBC sobre o cenário atual dos mercados, os juros que os clientes da IBKR podem receber sobre saldos disponíveis e o posicionamento dos investidores no contexto atual.
Dezembro|Traders Magazine
Essa matéria aborda as principais iniciativas da Interactive Brokers em 2022 e fornece uma visão geral das pessoas mais influentes na empresa.
Essa reportagem destaca o bom desempenho das ações da Interactive Brokers e as perspectivas da empresa.
Novembro|Traders Magazine
A matéria destaca o lançamento do horário de negociação overnight no IBKR Eos ATS, permitindo que clientes negociem certos ETFs dos EUA 23½ horas por dia, cinco dias por semana.
Novembro|Bloomberg News
A reportagem aborda o crescente interesse de investidores no marketplace de bonds da IBKR em um cenário de aumento da demanda por bonds.
O fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, Thomas Peterffy, fala à CNBC sobre os lucros da empresa no terceiro trimestre, sobre como os clientes da Interactive Brokers diferem dos clientes de outras corretoras on-line e sobre o cenário atual do mercado.
A matéria aborda o lançamento da negociação de opções nos aplicativos GlobalTrader e IMPACT da IBKR, bem como as novas ferramentas Assistente de opções e Cadeia de opções, disponíveis para ajudar os usuários a entender como as opções funcionam e como negociá-las.
Esse vídeo contém informações a respeito de opções. O mercado de opções pode envolver riscos e não é adequado para todos os investidores. Para mais informações, leia o documento em inglês Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options (Características e riscos de opções padronizadas), também conhecido como "Options disclosure document (ODD)" (Documento informativo sobre opções). Outra possibilidade é ligar para o número +1 312-542-6901 para obter uma cópia do ODD.
Setembro|Bloomberg TV
O fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, Thomas Peterffy, fala à Bloomberg TV sobre diversos assuntos, incluindo o cenário atual dos mercados, como os clientes da Interactive Brokers podem receber juros sobre saldos disponíveis ociosos, o recurso Compensação de carbono no aplicativo IMPACT e como a situação atual das taxas de juros beneficia o setor de corretagem.
Esse vídeo contém informações a respeito de opções. O mercado de opções pode envolver riscos e não é adequado para todos os investidores. Para mais informações, leia o documento em inglês Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options (Características e riscos de opções padronizadas), também conhecido como "Options disclosure document (ODD)" (Documento informativo sobre opções). Outra possibilidade é ligar para o número +1 312-542-6901 para obter uma cópia do ODD.
O fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, Thomas Peterffy, fala à CNBC sobre a política do Banco Central dos EUA (Fed) e as perspectivas para a inflação.
A IBKR foi reconhecida como a melhor corretora para traders experientes e a melhor corretora para negociações internacionais na classificação anual de Melhores corretoras on-line da Investopedia. A matéria destaca que “simplesmente não existe outra corretora que combine uma variedade tão ampla de ativos globais, tecnologia de negociação sofisticada e excelentes recursos de pesquisa."
O fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, Thomas Peterffy, participa do podcast "Streetwise" da Barron's para uma conversa a respeito de taxas de corretagem e pagamento por fluxo de ordens e explica como a empresa atende às necessidades específicas de traders experientes.
O plano de preços da IBKR Lite está disponível apenas para clientes nos EUA.
Junho|Fox Business
O fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, Thomas Peterffy, fala à Fox Business sobre suas perspectivas para o futuro e seus pontos de vista a respeito dos mercados.
O fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, Thomas Peterffy, fala à CNBC sobre inflação e o cenário atual dos mercados.
O fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, Thomas Peterffy, fala à CNBC sobre a situação dos mercados e o posicionamento dos clientes da Interactive Brokers no cenário atual.
Esse vídeo contém informações a respeito de opções. O mercado de opções pode envolver riscos e não é adequado para todos os investidores. Para mais informações, leia o documento em inglês Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options (Características e riscos de opções padronizadas), também conhecido como "Options disclosure document (ODD)" (Documento informativo sobre opções). Outra possibilidade é ligar para o número +1 312-542-6901 para obter uma cópia do ODD.
Abril|Yahoo Finance Live
O fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, Thomas Peterffy, fala ao Yahoo Finance sobre os lucros da empresa no primeiro trimestre e as perspectivas de investimento no cenário atual.
A matéria destaca a oferta da Interactive Brokers para assessores de investimento registrados e ressalta como a automação, ampla gama de produtos globais e plataforma unificada da empresa a diferenciam de seus pares no setor.
A matéria destaca comentários do fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, Thomas Peterffy, a respeito do posicionamento dos traders ativos que são clientes da Interactive Brokers no cenário atual do mercado.
A Interactive Brokers fica em 1º lugar na pesquisa anual das Melhores corretoras on-line da Barron's, recebendo 5 estrelas de um total de 5 pelo quinto ano consecutivo. A reportagem destaca a expertise da empresa em negociação internacional e apresenta novos produtos e ferramentas como o IMPACT, IBKR GlobalTrader e IBKR GlobalAnalyst.
Março|Yahoo Finance
O fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, Thomas Peterffy, fala ao Yahoo Finance sobre o lançamento do IBKR GlobalTrader e seus pontos e vista sobre o mercado de ações e acontecimentos recentes.
Este vídeo contém informações a respeito de opções. O mercado de opções pode envolver riscos e não é adequado para todos os investidores. Para mais informações, leia o documento em inglês Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options (Características e riscos de opções padronizadas), também conhecido como "Options disclosure document (ODD)" (Documento informativo sobre opções). Outra possibilidade é ligar para o número +1 312-542-6901 para obter uma cópia do ODD.
O fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, Thomas Peterffy, fala à CNBC sobre o lançamento do IBKR GlobalTrader, um aplicativo simples para negociação global de ações, bem como suas opiniões sobre acontecimentos recentes e investimento de varejo.
Março|Bloomberg News
A reportagem destaca o lançamento do IBKR GlobalTrader, um aplicativo de negociação simples da Interactive Brokers que permite que investidores negociem ações no mundo todo.
Fevereiro|Financial Times
A reportagem aborda o aumento na atividade do mercado de opções e destaca comentários do fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, Thomas Peterffy, sobre o que impulsionou esse aumento.
Este vídeo contém informações a respeito de opções. O mercado de opções pode envolver riscos e não é adequado para todos os investidores. Para mais informações, leia o documento em inglês Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options (Características e riscos de opções padronizadas), também conhecido como "Options disclosure document (ODD)" (Documento informativo sobre opções).
O fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, Thomas Peterffy, fala à CNBC sobre as perspectivas para investidores de varejo e o recente aumento na negociação de opções.
Este vídeo contém informações a respeito de opções. O mercado de opções pode envolver riscos e não é adequado para todos os investidores. Para mais informações, leia o documento em inglês Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options (Características e riscos de opções padronizadas), também conhecido como "Options disclosure document (ODD)" (Documento informativo sobre opções).
Janeiro|Yahoo Finance Live
O fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, Thomas Peterffy, fala ao Yahoo Finance sobre os lucros da empresa no quarto trimestre.
A matéria aborda o recente aumento na demanda por opções e destaca comentários do fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, Thomas Peterffy, sobre suas expectativas a respeito da manutenção do interesse pela negociação de opções.
O fundador e presidente da Interactive Brokers, Thomas Peterffy, fala à CNBC sobre os lucros da empresa no quarto trimestre.
Declaração informativa
Os links divulgados na página "Notícias da IBKR" são publicados por terceiros, e não pela Interactive Brokers. Essas fontes de terceiros são independentes e a Interactive Brokers não faz quaisquer declarações ou garantias relativas à veracidade das informações fornecidas por esses terceiros. Ao vincular sites de terceiros, a Interactive Brokers não está fazendo recomendações de assinaturas de nenhuma fonte de notícias específica.
Interactive Brokers Founder and Chairman Thomas Peterffy joins CNBC to discuss market expectations for 2022 and meme stock investing.
The article covers Interactive Brokers' launch of the IMPACT App and how it helps investors easily align their portfolio with their values.
December|Traders Magazine
The article covers Interactive Brokers' launch of GlobalAnalyst, a new tool that lets investors compare the relative valuations and financial metrics of stocks globally as well as other new offerings including IMPACT by Interactive Brokers.
Interactive Brokers Founder and Chairman Thomas Peterffy joins CNBC to discuss the company's launch of the IMPACT App.
October|U.S. News & World Report
Interactive Brokers was included in U.S. News & World Report's 'Best Brokers for Beginners' 2021.
Interactive Brokers Founder and Chairman Thomas Peterffy joins CNBC to discuss the company's third quarter earnings.
September|Yahoo! Finance Live
Interactive Brokers Founder and Chairman Thomas Peterffy joins Yahoo! Finance Live to discuss the company's launch of cryptocurrency trading.
September|Bloomberg News
The article covers Interactive Brokers' introduction of cryptocurrency trading enabling clients to trade and custody Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash via Paxos Trust Company.
Interactive Brokers Founder and Chairman Thomas Peterffy joins CNBC to discuss the company's launch of cryptocurrency trading.
Interactive Brokers continues to roll out new tools and platform enhancements. Article covers the elimination of inactivity feeds, the Impact Dashboard and IBKR Campus.
July|Yahoo! Finance Live
Interactive Brokers Founder and Chairman Thomas Peterffy joins Julie Hyman, Brian Sozzi and Myles Udland on Yahoo! Finance Live to discuss the state of the brokerage business, Robinhood and whether regulators can crack down on payment for order flow.
Interactive Brokers Founder and Chairman Thomas Peterffy joins CNBC to discuss the company's second quarter earnings.
Interactive Brokers Founder and Chairman Thomas Peterffy joins CNBC to discuss the outlook for retail investing.
Interactive Brokers Chief Strategist Steve Sosnick quoted discussing his views on the markets and economy.
In this article, Barron's Steven M. Sears provides a positive outlook for Interactive Brokers' share price.
Interactive Brokers Founder and Chairman Thomas Peterffy joins CNBC to discuss the company's first quarter earnings.
March|Yahoo! Finance Live
Interactive Brokers Chief Strategist Steve Sosnick joins Yahoo! Finance Live to discuss recent bond market activity.
March |CNBC
Interactive Brokers Founder and Chairman Thomas Peterffy joins CNBC to discuss the retail trading frenzy.
Interactive Brokers Chief Strategist Steve Sosnick joins CNBC to discuss the state of the markets.
The company earned 5 out of 5 stars and was rated #1 for Active Traders and #1 for International Traders.
Interactive Brokers Founder and Chairman Thomas Peterffy joins CNBC to discuss the company's fourth quarter earnings.
Links posted to the “IBKR in the News” webpage are published by third parties and not by Interactive Brokers. These third-party sources are independent and Interactive Brokers does not make any representations or warranties concerning the accuracy of the information provided by these third parties. By linking to third-party websites, Interactive is not recommending that you subscribe to that particular news source.
December|The Ascent, A Motley Fool Service
The Ascent, a Motley Fool Service, rated Interactive Brokers 4 out of 5 stars as a great low-cost option, and called it a great choice for options investors, traders, and those trading on margin.
Interactive Brokers Chairman Thomas Peterffy joined CNBC's Bob Pisani on 'Squawk Alley' to discuss 2020's record trading volume, options trading trends and volatility.
Interactive Brokers Chairman Thomas Peterffy discusses IBKR clients being net short, the market outlook, options values, and margin rates.
ForexBrokers.com awarded Interactive Brokers 4.5 out of 5 stars and ranked the firm 4th out of 27 firms in its 2021 Best Forex Brokers review. In the 5th annual review, Interactive Brokers received 5 stars and was rated Best in Class for its Offering of Investments for the 5th year in a row. IBKR also earned 4.5 stars for Commissions & Fees, Platforms & Tools and Research.
Benzinga awarded Interactive Brokers 4.5 out of 5 stars in its 2020 review. The company was praised for its comprehensive trading platform, broad product range and affordable prices. The review cited IBKR as being best for its robust, yet simple mobile app, access to 135 global markets, low margin rates and more.
The article covers the introduction of a free Impact Dashboard that helps investors select sustainable investments based on criteria they select. ESG Director Will Peterffy explains the dashboard lets investors align their portfolio with their values. The author notes the dashboard, along with other tools, research, and Socially Responsible Investment portfolios, solidifies IBKR's leadership role in ESG investing.
Investopedia awards Interactive Brokers' robo advisor affiliate, Interactive Advisors, 4.5 out of 5 stars and rates it Best for Sustainable Investing and Best for Portfolio Construction. The review notes Interactive Advisors has the widest range of securities to select from and offers low-cost actively and passively managed portfolios that can be customized.
August|The Wall Street Journal
The article explains how people can avoid dipping into their retirement savings by evaluating other potential sources for funds. For example, data from Interactive Brokers shows some brokers offering margin loans with annual percentage rates as low as 0.75%.
Interactive Brokers receives 4.5 out of 5 stars in 2020 review. The company earns high marks for its range of investment offerings, commissions and fees, platforms and tools and research.
Interactive Brokers founder and chairman Thomas Peterffy joins CNBC to talk about the company's second quarter earnings.
Bankrate ranks Interactive Brokers "Best For" active trading, volume discounts and margin trading. The review notes that Interactive Brokers provides the ability to buy almost anything that trades anywhere in the world; has a world-class trading platform; and provides low margin rates.
Interactive Brokers continues to roll out new products and trading improvements. Article covers introduction of Mutual Funds Marketplace and search tool, IBKR Lite commission-free service level and Traders' Academy free online, on-demand courses.
July|Bloomberg Television
Interactive Brokers founder and chairman Thomas Peterffy discusses the outlook for retail trading with Bloomberg's Sonali Basak on the Bloomberg Technology program.
July|CNBC Fast Money
Interactive Brokers Chief Strategist shares his market outlook with CNBC's Melissa Lee.
July|Washington Post
Article on the advent of fractional share trading. EVP Steve Sanders says Interactive Brokers offers fractional shares to sophisticated investors as another tool to better manage their portfolios. Notes that IBKR processed nearly 1.9 million transactions in June, a 131% increase over the same period last year.
Forbes showcases a selection of financial courses, including Traders' Academy, Interactive Brokers' free online, on-demand courses. The Traders' Academy course selection includes beginner, intermediate and advanced courses on investment products, securities lending and borrowing and more.
June|Yahoo Finance
Thomas Peterffy, founder and chairman of Interactive Brokers, discusses trends he is seeing among the firm's clients.
July|The Straits Times
Interactive Brokers Singapore opens in the Marina Bay financial district. The firm can now offer Singapore stocks to local investors and provide the ability for Singaporeans to invest globally in the company's broad product line from a single integrated investment account.
June|The Motley Fool
The article explains what fractional shares are and why now may be a good time to invest in these slivers of shares. The author notes that Interactive Brokers was the first to offer fractional share trading last November, followed by Fidelity in January and Schwab in June.
June|Stamford Advocate
Story profiles Yakov Gorodnitsky and colleagues from Interactive Brokers who have made approximately 6,500 masks to donate to front line workers and others during the pandemic. The project is financially supported by Interactive Brokers.
June|Yahoo Finance
Thomas Peterffy, founder and chairman of Interactive Brokers, discusses trends he is seeing among the firm's clients.
Interactive Brokers is showcased as one of the best places to rollover a 401(k) retirement plan. The article also mentions the company pays the highest rates Bankrate has seen on cash balances in clients' accounts and offers thousands of no-load and no transaction fee mutual funds.
The author describes options and explains how to use them for investing. The article also describes top investing platforms based on cost, trading style and experience level. Interactive Brokers is highlighted as the top platform for professionals.
March|Seeking Alpha
The article explains several opportunities to take advantage of during these current market conditions. The author notes that clients of Interactive Brokers can borrow at very low margin rates and invest in a variety of securities currently offering attractive yields. A graphic shows how Interactive Brokers' rates compare to those of its major competitors.
Interactive Brokers earned 4.4 out of 5 stars in Investopedia's second annual ranking. The company was also selected as Best for Advanced Traders, Best for International Trading, Best for Low Margin Rates and Best for Day Trading. IBKR was also honored for its Low Costs, ETF offerings, and Mobile trading application. Author Theresa Carey commended the company's wealth of tools, range of offerings and numerous other offerings.
February|Business Insider
Its Founder Explains How Causing Chaos is Key to Staying Competitive.
The profile details how Interactive Brokers has led the way in many areas of the brokerage business, from announcing commission-free trades to introducing fractional share trading. Chairman Thomas Peterffy notes that the company's technology expertise helps set Interactive Brokers apart from competitors.
Thomas Peterffy discusses Morgan Stanley's plans to acquire E-Trade and the impact of consolidation in the brokerage industry.
Interactive Brokers was rated #1 by Barron's.
The company earned 5 out of 5 stars and was rated Best for Active Traders and Best for International Traders. The company was praised for its global reach, advanced technology, low margin rates and high interest paid on idle cash balances.
David Friedland, managing director of Interactive Brokers in Asia, met with Hubbis to discuss how he is immensely bullish about the region and why the firm's state-of-the-art electronic trading platform is ideally suited to the challenges facing investors.
February|Globe & Mail
Interactive Brokers earned a B+ in the Globe & Mail's 21st annual ranking. The company was commended for its sophisticated platform and providing the lowest prices.
February – AdvisorHub|The Tony Sirianni Podcast
Steve Sanders discusses how Interactive Brokers uses technology to automate everything in order to service both large and small clients and provide them with a broad product line and complete turn-key solution at a very low cost. He also shares his perspectives on zero commissions; how advisors can add value and differentiate themselves from competitors; millennials and investing; and more.
NerdWallet rated Interactive Brokers the best for low-cost investing, stock trading platform, and research. The review also praises the company's low margin rates, broad product selection, and IBKR Lite service, which provides commission-free trades on US exchange-listed stocks and ETFs.
January|Investor's Business Daily
In IBD's eighth annual Best Online Brokers awards, Interactive Brokers placed in the top 5 overall and secured top spots in 9 out of 15 categories. The company earned the highest scores for Low Commissions & Fees, Broad Choice of Investments, Mobile Trading Platforms / Apps, Options Trading Platform, Portfolio Analysis & Reports and Website Security.
StockBrokers.com rated Interactive Brokers 4.5 stars out of 5 overall in its 10th Annual Best Online Brokers Review. Interactive Brokers won 1st place with a 5 star rating for Commissions & Fees and was awarded 4.5 stars for Offering of Investments, Platforms & Tools and Mobile Trading. The company earned 4 stars for Research, Education, and Customer Service. The review notes that Interactive Brokers leads the industry for low-cost trading for professionals and praises the company for its tools and product selection.
Links posted to the “IBKR in the News” webpage are published by third parties and not by Interactive Brokers. These third-party sources are independent and Interactive Brokers does not make any representations or warranties concerning the accuracy of the information provided by these third parties. By linking to third-party websites, Interactive is not recommending that you subscribe to that particular news source.
Interactive Brokers has introduced fractional share trading for clients, including Registered Investment Advisors. EVP Steve Sanders explains that there are several ways fractional shares can be used, including for direct indexing. Sanders noted that fractional shares might help attract RIAs to Interactive Brokers, which works with RIAs of all sizes, at a time when some other brokers have decided not to serve smaller advisors.
November 2019|Streetwise Reports
Interactive Brokers was ranked #1 for its research offerings. The company earned praise for its "vast amounts of research and tools" which can be obtained bundled or a la carte.
October 2019|TheStreet
The article explains why Interactive Brokers is in the best position to come out ahead of the competition by offering commission-free trades. The author explains that IBKR's commission free offering provides true value to clients and differentiates the company from competitors. Interactive Brokers offers clients a choice between commission free trades and low-cost commissions with a Pro service level that utilizes the company's SmartRouter, which seeks the best possible price for every trade.
October 2019|Barron's
The article describes the commission-free offerings from the major brokers. The author explains that Interactive Brokers is offering simplified trading with no account minimum and no commissions on US exchange listed stocks and ETFs. The article explains that investors should consider other aspects of each firm's offering, such as the amount of interest they can earn on cash in their account and whether there are hidden charges.
October 2019|Seeking Alpha
The article explains that providing IBKR Lite clients with free commissions on US exchange-listed stocks is immaterial to IBKR. The author explains that 80% of IBKR commissions are generated from trading other products, while peers' commissions are nearly 100% US-based. He adds that US commissions loss will be made up by receiving payment for order flow on IBKR Lite trades. The author also states that IBKR revenue is unlikely to be impacted by clients switching from IBKR Pro to IBKR Lite.
October 2019|NewsMax
The article explains that Interactive Brokers is offering $1,000 in free commission credits to learn about investing by using the company's new simulated sports-betting portal. The betting program was created to educate people about probability and how it can be used in trading stocks similar to the way it is used in sports betting.
October 2019|Barron's
Marc Werres, a financial advisor at Hindes Group, explains why he believes IBKR stock is currently undervalued. He notes that Interactive Brokers is the brokerage business's low-cost leader and sets itself apart from competitors with its breadth of product and technological sophistication.
September 2019|Fox Business
Fox Business' Charles Payne and Interactive Brokers Founder and Chairman Thomas Peterffy discuss the importance of the American Dream. Peterffy discusses building his firm and the company's latest innovation, IBKR Lite, a service providing commission-free trades on US exchange-listed stocks and ETFs.
September 2019|Seeking Alpha
The article notes that Interactive Brokers is among the top-rated brokers because of its low commissions and fees. The author notes they anticipate further client base growth to help IBKR's earnings double over the next three to five years.
August 2019|CNBC Squawk Box
Interactive Brokers' chief strategist and head trader Steve Sosnick discusses ways for retail investors to handle a volatile market.
August 2019|Kiplinger's
Interactive Brokers ranked #2 out of 10 companies reviewed by Kiplinger's in IBKR's first year of being included in the Best Online Brokers annual survey. The company also won first place for its mobile app and was rated best for active traders, margin traders, and mutual fund investors.
August 2019|CardRates.com
CardRates.com recognized Interactive Brokers with its Editor's Choice™ Award for being a top low-cost broker. The article notes that IBKR offers access to markets around the world, in multiple currencies, from a single account.
August 2019|US News & World Report
This article explains how margin trading lets investors buy stocks with borrowed money. US News notes that the best of the major online brokers for margin trading is probably Interactive Brokers which offers the lowest interest rates on margin loans at between 3% and 4%.
July 2019|Barron's
The detente in the U.S. and China trade war, coupled with central banks' potential move to more-dovish policies, merits increased exposure to some of the world's riskiest investments.
July 2019|Financial Times
Interactive Brokers has created a Simulated Sports Betting Exchange that awards up to $1,000 in commission credits to non-clients that use it. Fake money can be bet on real matches, with virtual winnings converted into credits that can be used toward commissions on IBKR brokerage accounts. The company's chairman Thomas Peterffy explained that the exchange was designed to teach people how probability works and illustrate that Interactive Brokers has the lowest commissions.
June 2019|CNBC Fast Money Halftime Report
Interactive Brokers' CEO Thomas Peterffy shares his outlook on the market with CNBC's Bob Pisani. He said he would not go into the summer with a long position due to trade frictions, political background and market illiquidity.
April 2019|Benzinga
Interactive Brokers was rated "Best for Advanced Traders" in Benzinga's 2019 ranking. The survey cited Trader Workstation as "one of the best platforms in the entire industry" and also praised IBKR's mobile trading platforms. Benzinga also noted that Interactive Brokers offers low commissions and margin rates and pays high interest on idle cash.
April 2019|Benzinga
Interactive Brokers was rated the Best Overall Stock Broker in New Zealand in Benzinga's 2019 ranking. Benzinga praised IBKR for providing access to 120 markets in 31 countries and 23 currencies all from a single account.
March 2019|Benzinga
Interactive Brokers was rated the Best Overall German Stock Broker in Benzinga's 2019 ranking. The company was praised for providing access to 120 markets in 31 countries and 23 currencies all from a single account.
February 2019|Barron's
Barron's ranked Interactive Brokers #1 out of 14 firms in its 24th annual ranking of The Best Online Brokers. The company received 4 1/2 out of 5 stars and particular praise for its low costs, international investing offerings and highly customizable mobile apps.
January 2019|Investor's Business Daily
In its seventh annual Best Online Brokers survey, Investor's Business Daily ranked Interactive Brokers among the three best online brokers. The ranking is based on ratings by 2,762 investors surveyed by TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence, IBD's polling partner. Interactive Brokers also received the #1 ranking for Low Commissions & Fees, Mobile Trading Platform / Apps, Range of Products and Website Security.
January 2019|Nerd Wallet
Interactive Brokers received 5 out of 5 stars in Nerd Wallet's annual review. IBKR received top marks for low commissions and margin rates and the breadth of free research and data it provides. IBKR was ranked best for advanced, day, penny stock and options traders. The review notes that Interactive Brokers' Trader Workstation is among the best platforms for advanced traders.
Links posted to the “IBKR in the News” webpage are published by third parties and not by Interactive Brokers. These third-party sources are independent and Interactive Brokers does not make any representations or warranties concerning the accuracy of the information provided by these third parties. By linking to third-party websites, Interactive is not recommending that you subscribe to that particular news source.
December 2018|BNN Bloomberg
Interactive Brokers was ranked #1 by a wide margin in its first year being included in the Surviscor Mobile Ranking Review. Interactive Brokers earned a 94% rating, beating out 10 other companies. The next highest rating was a 64%. IBKR was praised for its "seamless online-to-mobile transitional experience".
November 2018|Seeking Alpha
Author Billy Duberstein writes that volatility and rising rates could be beneficial for Interactive Brokers and he expects those factors to contribute to a strong quarter for IBKR. He notes that the company's competitive advantages include advanced technology for sophisticated traders, low cost trades and the lowest-cost margin loans.
November 2018|Financial Advisor
Interactive Brokers has a growing RIA custody business, serving 11 percent more advisors than a year ago. One tool that appeals to advisors is the company's PortfolioAnalyst, an account aggregation and portfolio analysis tool. The company has also expanded its banking and cash management services and introduced a new, easy-to-use trading and account management platform.
August 2018|The Globe & Mail
The author notes that investors would be better off buying stocks with high costs to borrow from a broker that shares the fees, since the income can be significant. However, few Canadian brokers share fees. One exception is Interactive Brokers Canada, which shares half the income with investors who participate in its Stock Yield Enhancement Program. Note: article is accessible via subscription.
August 2018|Fortune
Interactive Brokers Group made Fortune's 100 Fastest Growing Companies 2018 list. IBKR had three year earnings per share growth of 43%, three year revenue growth rate of 19%, and a three year total return of 17%.
July 2018|U.S. News & World Report
Contributor Ellen Chang discusses the advantages and disadvantages of trading Bitcoin futures versus trading Bitcoin on the spot market. Bitcoin futures contracts offer less volatility and greater liquidity, notes Interactive Brokers chief market analyst Andrew Wilkinson.
May 2018|The Trading Show Chicago 2018 Conference
Speaking at The Trading Show conference, Interactive Brokers CEO Thomas Peterffy said the only way to make money on Wall Street is by front running. He also explains why he is long Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley in his portfolio.
May 2018 – Barron's|The Striking Price
Interactive Brokers Chief Options Strategist Steve Sosnick delves into the adage "sell in May and go away" and discusses whether other seasonal factors might lead investors to reducing risk in the spring.
May 2018|FinanceFeeds
Interactive Brokers further enhances the beta version of its Trader Workstation platform with the addition of an unbalanced butterfly spread to the pre-defined strategies list in Strategy Builder.
March 2018|Barron's
Interactive Brokers ranked number one in Barron's 23rd annual ranking of The Best Online Brokers. IBKR won high marks for pricing, range of offerings, trading experience and portfolio analysis. Columnist Theresa Carey wrote that the Interactive Brokers' low trading costs benefit both active and occasional traders. The firm was also ranked "Best for Frequent Traders" and "Best for Options Traders."
March 2018|CardRates.com
Feature story on Interactive Brokers explains how the company offers low commissions and fees, along with the latest technology and access to markets in 26 countries. The company serves over a half million clients who process an average of 415 trades per year. Interactive Brokers also offers a debit card, linked directly to clients' brokerage accounts, that enables clients to finance purchases using fully-paid shares as collateral, with margin fees of 1.9% for up to $300,000 borrowed.
March 2018|FinanceFeeds
Interactive Brokers has created a blog for quantitative professionals. This new resource provides a wide variety of information on artificial intelligence, data science, deep learning, natural language generation, employment topics, and R, Python and other popular programming languages. IBKR also created a video feed from its Traders' Insight blog directly into Trader Workstation so that TWS users can view market commentary and analysis as well as live Bloomberg TV.
February 2018|Seeking Alpha
The author discussed the recent price wars among brokerage firms, noting that Interactive Brokers provides the best price improvement on trades in the industry and is the leader in low cost margin loans. He notes that Interactive Brokers' SmartRouting system makes IBKR a strategic investment versus other brokers.
February 2018|CNBC
In an interview on CNBC's "Squawk on The Street", Interactive Brokers CEO Thomas Peterffy said that the current market situation is similar to the '87 crash, because when investors are short volatility they eventually need to cover. He also said he expects more volatility ahead.
January 2018|Investor's Business Daily
Interactive Brokers ranked among the five best brokers in IBD's 2018 Best Online Brokers survey. The company won high marks for Low Commissions & Fees, Trade Reliability, Mobile Trading Platform, Low Cost / Free ETF Trading, Options Trading Platform, Site Performance and Equity Trading Tools.
January 2018|Investor's Business Daily
Low fees are a key component in attracting and retaining clients explains author Paul Katzeff. He notes that Interactive Brokers has the lowest commission charging a $1 minimum compared to Fidelity Investments and Charles Schwab, which both charge $4.95 per trade, and other companies with even higher commissions.
January 2018|hedgeweek
Profile article on how Interactive Brokers uses technology and automation to provide hedge funds with a wide range of products and technological tools and help save them money. Executive Vice President Steven Sanders also explains how IBKR used technology to adapt to new regulations such as MiFID II.
January 2018|TheStreet
Ellen Chang explains how investors can make money with little risk by lending shares to brokers such as Interactive Brokers that offer Stock Yield Enhancement Programs.
Links posted to the “IBKR in the News” webpage are published by third parties and not by Interactive Brokers. These third-party sources are independent and Interactive Brokers does not make any representations or warranties concerning the accuracy of the information provided by these third parties. By linking to third-party websites, Interactive is not recommending that you subscribe to that particular news source.